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Written by





Assistant Director

Stage Manager


Melissa Maxted

Beckie Clark

Mike Friday

Melissa Maxted


Rob Gore

Melissa Maxted

Region 5 - Gordon Harris

Act 1 Theatre Group’s production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ was a humbling experience for me…so much energy so much fun…..and with tea and cup cakes.. yum yum.


Again with a super programme, this group never fail to bring off a good evening’s entertainment, whether it be the juniors or Adults in their Pantomime each year.


This Alice with a cast of nearly 30 aged between 9 and 17 never seemed as if they had nerves at all(but I’m sure they did).The evening ran smoothly a few hiccups on sound which needed to be balanced and lights but other than that the kids gave us a vast array of characters from Alice (Ellie Terziyski) headed the cast along with a cool Mad Hatter (Charnice Maxted) a regal Queen of hearts (Terri Anne Maxted) a slithery Caterpillar (Maisie Waller)a grinning Cheshire Cat (Mary Hollman)a super little Dormouse (Aeryn Stretton) a masterly March Hare (Sam Murray)..Superb comedy duo Tweedle dumb and Tweedle Dee (Imogen Humphreys and Brooke Jones), well done girls. Praise also goes to the Knave (Chloe Martin) and a very stern performance from the White Rabbit (Ben Chapman). The young male dancer (Jack Whitehead) was so on the ball with every step in his dance routines. Well done to him. The rest of the cast worked well to achieve a very good quality in all their performances.


Melissa Maxted aided by Beckie Friday gave us a well directed team.


Rob Gore and the Flowers choreography were simple but very effective. Val Pankhurst’s costumes were colourful and depictive.


The camaraderie in this cast was foremost and it looked as if the whole cast enjoyed themselves as I did…


Thank you Act 1 for inviting me.

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