Man in a dress... how on earth did that happen?
For too long I had always said, “I could do that….. Oh I'd love to have the time to do that…” Well, this year circumstances were created...
Sleepless nights, multiple redbull's and those pesky stage blocks... it can only mean one thing
And so it has arrived.. the much anticipated show week! Look to your left and you'll find a large number of performers cramming in time...
The time our 'toy box characters' went to meet Mickey Mouse!
Last month 27 of us traveled by coach to Disneyland Paris for a five day trip where our members got the privilege of performing on the...
One year, Two shows and a blooming belly!
Well hello there blog readers, welcome to the new addition to the Act 1 website! I have been trusted to write the first ever Act 1 blog...